
The cuisine of the Tombolo Thalasso Resort is rich in foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that actively combat the proliferation of free radicals, the cause of cellular ageing.

Food, Wellness


KM 0

Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Meat, Yoghurt, Wines at zero Km. Local producers are our trusted partners who supply our chefs with top-quality ingredients for the preparation of dishes. An innovative and healthy food project. Nourishing the body in a healthy and balanced way is an effective means of prevention to maintain a state of good health.


All this can be enjoyed at the Tombolo Thalasso Resort from breakfast onwards and forms the basis of our menus, which are skilfully reworked to preserve the properties and enhance the taste of each individual element. Simple and tasty recipes, in the best regional and coastal tradition of this corner of Tuscany, prepared by our chef to delight guests while respecting quality and the local micro-economy.
Oxidative stress,

Remedies in the kitchen

Oxidative stress can be effectively combated in our daily lives by adopting a healthy lifestyle, starting with our diet. The proliferation of free radicals can be actively combated by following a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods containing natural antioxidant substances.

The main antioxidant substances are vitamins A, B, C and E, coenzyme Q10 and certain trace elements, such as selenium, manganese, copper and zinc, which support the functions of the antioxidant enzymes produced by the body.

Many studies have shown that red wine, obviously drunk in limited quantities, also brings with it the benefits of the antioxidant properties of polyphenols.

Anti-inflammatory foods par excellence include:

oily fish (anchovies, sardines, mackerel, tuna);

extra virgin olive oil;

certain fruits such as oranges, blueberries, pineapple, almonds and walnuts;

green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage and spinach, and carrots;

cocoa and green tea;


low-fat cheeses;



In this section you will be able to find the offer that suits you best: select your favourite and let yourself be enveloped in the attentions of the Cosmopolitan Hotels Group.
Tombolo Talasso Resort

Special winter time

Experience a winter filled with wellness at Tombolo Talasso Resort
Tombolo Talasso Resort

Tombolo in Love

Valentine's Day at Tombolo Thalasso Resort: Romance and wellness on the Tuscan coast! Surprise your sweetheart this year with a unique experience at the Tombolo Thalasso Resort! To celebrate love we have created two exclusive packages, designed to offer you the ultimate in relaxation and romance.
Tombolo Talasso Resort

Day spa | Thalasso green

Ever greener with our day spa offers
Tombolo Talasso Resort

Day spa | Talasso & romantic dinner

Magic, caves and candles. You only think about love - we've already taken care of the rest.
Tombolo Talasso Resort

Bachelorette party

Come and celebrate with us, spend a day of relaxation and pampering with your best friends. You will find different proposals to go with the thalassotherapy and relaxation route, from cocktails for a toast to dinner.
Natural Logo
17 Tons of CO2 saved this year.

Let us learn a new concept of hospitality: one that involves greater respect for the land and the planet. Climate change is an extremely important and urgent topic. We are experiencing a real emergency and everyone should contribute what they can to get out of it.